domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


..............................INDEX of selected works................................



I consider that the English is very important for any aspect.

During the time, I have learned something about the English. It's fantastic. because I learned to spell words, sentences and the English alphabet using books and writing sentences, vocabulary and structures differents with help some teacher.

I have known new structures, words, vocabulary, etc., that I didn't know, but when I went to UNPA, I learned more over the use of each word, the pronunciation of some sentences, etc. In the UNPA, some teacher didn't give books only study copies and with some notes. When I was in Junior high always used books but almost I don't learned nothing, only some of vocabulary but was insufficient. In the Junior high was one teacher that if applied for give us material.

I consider that I have improved a little and need learn and know more somethings.

In this moment, I am with my thesis understand words, sentences.

For me, is important the English because learn, undertand, read, write, spell and know.

In the Erick's class I have understood the use the English but moreover I have analyzed each word, sentence, pronunciation that I don't understand. Are these classes were interesting because I learned to communicate even a little with the teacher. I want to practice more... I would exercise my pronunciation and writing.

Comments: There is that study more for learn and know more over the English use.
In the future, I want to read articles, books, news for undertand better. I want to prepare for have a job, a house, a family and traveling.


Today is April 14th, 2010.


It's an expression of remorse or guiilt over having said or done something that is acknowledged to be hurtful or damaging, and a request for forgiveness.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but not everyone knows how to fix them properly.

I consider that an apology is meant to counteract an insult, to help undo the offense and restore harmony.

Apologies are linked to honor and face in several ways. When we feel someone owes us an apology, our honor prompts us to demand it.

The think that apology satisfies the needs of honor by helping to right the offense, and failured to deliver it can even be taken as a challenge.

When we are in the wrong ourselves, our own honor calls on us to make an apology.

The apology mens admitting that we were wrong and on that account losing face.

The apology helps to people to be sincere.

Example: When Tiziano Ferro speak bad of women Mexicans

He said that the all women Mexicans were mustaches. That offended some women and they were very upset with he. Women want that he don't comeback to Mèxico.


Today is April 6th, 2010.

In this day, We learned about of Future continuos and future perfect.

FUTURE CONTINUOS.Is this tense indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future.

Structure:(will be + verb-ing + present participle)

1.- I will be watching Tv when she arrives tonight
2.- Luisa will be living in house of her mother when she has a job
3.- I will be doing something

FUTURE PERFECT. This tense, serves to express one future action which precedes a future or another future action.

Structure: (auxiliar--will + have + past participle)

1.- By 2012, I will have finish my degree
2.- By 2020, I will have my own house in Loma Bonita
3.- By 2011, I will have visit to México with my family and visit different pleaces
4.- She will have finished her homework before eight o'clock


a) By 2015, I will have bought my own house in Loma Bonita
b) By 2011, I will have finished my thesis and graduate me
c) By 2018, I will have traveled pleaces new in México
d) By 2020, I will have worked in a company

Today is April 6th, 2010.


a) By 2020, the UNPA will have grown
b) By 2020, the UNPA will have created more classrooms
c) By 2020, the UNPA will have built a interactive library
d) By 2020, the UNPA will have used soccer fields, basketball and volleyball, swimming pools and a gym
e) By 2020, the UNPA will have used multitouch screams (before call desktops) with notebooks to the students
f) By 2020, the UNPA will have construted a rest area in the library while other guys study

Today is April 7th, 2010.

Use thee future perfect

The future perfect tense expresses action in the future before another action in the future. This is the past in the future. For example:

The train will leave the station at 9:00 am. You will arrive at the station at 9:15 am. When you arrive, the train will have left.

1) By the time I start my thesis, I will have finished my degree
2) By the time I get a employment, I will have worked a lot for help to my family
3) By the time I learn alot English, I will have traveled for different countries, and meet people new, read articles and books.
4) By the time I worked to help me, I won't finished my master's

Vocabulary: pill, landed, least, cool, tucked and borrowed.

Reflection: I consider that is very important the use of structures different for understand better. The use the future perfect and future continous help how speak the English and to pronounce better.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010


Today is March 11st, 2010.

Kidnapping occurs when deprived of liberty unlawfully to a person or group of people during a certain time with the goal of obtain money or goods.

In this aspect is the organized crime.

* fast money
* fear of capture
* divine funishment
* psychological problems
* child abuse
* Domestic violence
* Absence of father
* Unemployment
* Economic problems
* Revenge
* Corruption
* ETC.

--- Moreover, We saw some questions relationship with some topic. The group make teams and they choose a topic. In my team was the "CORRUPTION".

1) What, exactly, is Corruption?
R: The corruption isn`t obey the laws. For example: the black market (organs traffic , get things easy for you in this case money, houses, goods, etc.)

2) How does Corruption cause kidnapping?
R: The police don`t worry by the people welfare and get bribe of the kidnappers

3) How do you feel about Corruption?
R: Bad, Because some people have scary to the insecurity when these went or get out of their house.

4) Does Corruption happen in Loma Bonita? Why?
R: The corruption is something that often occurs at different social level in L.B. because the people with corruption haven`t human values and etic.

vocabulary: garbage/trash/rubbish, absence, revenge, obey


Today is March 9th, 2010.

In this day, the teacher gave some papers about of different problems relationship with the enviroment, where we did partner for answer some questions with the texts that the gave teacher.

Is this questions were:

1) Identify the problem
2) Do you care about this problem?/worry?/think about it?
3) What can be done about it?

Moreover, each we review the websites: MEAT the

We think about of the problems that affects the enviroment.
For example, here there are some problems that we saw in class and are:

+ Water pollution. There are different causes over this subject, but the that more affects the water is the animal waste production. But that the problem principal in U.S. is the animal waste production that really is causing damages in the health of people because in some cases there isn`t treatment with the animal waste in the water. Moreover, the nutrients such as Fosfore and sulphur is provocating high toxicity in plants, animals and people, but it also is causing sikcness.

+ The metham time bomb: This subject is importan in the wordl because we are contaminate each moment, everyday. Is important that we think because the warming in the world is causing melting of the polos by the high emissions of metham gas. A cause is coe feces and others causes.

+ Biodiversity. This is another topic interesting because, many people are destroying the habitat of some animals, incluiding to the animals same, because the man isn`t using the resources of appropiate manner causing the disappearing of all the animals and its habitat.

Vocabulary: livestock, scarcity (hunger), defreeze, global warming, tala logging and water scarcicty.

Comments: For me part, this subjects, we help to know vocabulary and sentences, buy over all, to learn over the subject.

ENTRY FIVE **PASSIVE VOICE (present perfect, present continous and present simple)

Today is March 5th, 2010.

Today, I learned over the problems that affects to the enviroment and its causes

In the other context, we saw the subject over drug addiction and its causes were: depression, domestc violence, peer presure and traffic. Although another importan subject was the noise pollution and air pollution and its causes that were inneffecient infrastructuram poorly, designed streets, crowdes streets.

More over, we learned oer the use of "PASSIVE VOICE" with present perfect, present simple and present continuos, and the form for to pass of a manner to other. For example:

Passive voice Active voice
English is taught (ver in past participle) I teach English

*Passive voice with present perfect*

structure: Has/Have+verb past participle(been)

Active: I have taught English here for a long time
Passive: English has been taught here for a long time

* Passive voice with present continuos
structure: to be(is, am, are)+ verb-ing

Active: I am teaching English
Passive: English is being taught

other example:

with present simple Present perfect
English is taught --------------- English has been taught

Present continuos
English is taught --------------- English is being taught

Vocabulary: peer presure, poorly, crowded, etc.

Comments: This new structure that we learned in class is interesting for any sentence.