sábado, 19 de junio de 2010



A young man walked into an old home, when suddenly Javier heard a strange noise.
Javier turned around but he didn't see anything. He looked around carefully but there weren't any signs in the house. He had a strange feeling. Javier decided to leave the home.

Laura threw a party for her son, but her son didn't come home. She was worried.
Then, she went to the school and asked some friends. When suddenly a teacher said that he was in a Hospital. Luis had been hit by a car.
Antonio was a poor man. All his life had been a disaster. when he found a lottery on the floor. He had won a lot money.
Now He was a rich man.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Introducting to portfolio

Index of selected works in course second

Entry zero

Entry one

Entry two

Entry three

Entry four

Entry five

Entry six

Entry seven

Entry eight

Entry nine

Reflection of this class

For me this course second was interesting because I learned some news sctructures, vocabulary, etc. Therefore I liked to read texts, make homeworks, make exercises and improve my pronunciation speaking during the class with teacher.
There are many aspects of English that I now comprehend. I can see the way to use the writing process both written and oral and how to apply them. It was interesting to find how language can be used in so many different ways.

After having this English class I have a different understanding of language, persuasion, writing a persuasive essay, writing a personal narrative.
My performance in class was little in the beginning, but then as the semester progressed I became more focused. I participed in class from the very beginning because I was usually interested in the subject. I enjoyed the fact that the Erick's teacher brought interesting topics, where we speaked and discussed about any subject.
I think that this classes were a way for comunication and I undertand better use of English

martes, 8 de junio de 2010


El mejor jugador del Mundial recibirá un anillo como galardón

El mundial de Sudáfrica contará con una colección oficial de anillos realizados en platino con esmeralda incrustadas, oro blanco y una mezcla de plata y oro. De los 2010 anillos que forman la colección limitada, uno de los siete platino será un regalo para el Presidente de la FIFA, Joseph Blatter, y uno de los 33 de oro blanco estará reservado para el mejor jugador del torneo.


The best players of the World Cup will receive a prize ring

The World Cup in South Africa 2010 counting with a rings oficial collection made in platinum with inlayed emerald, with gold and gold with platinum mixture. Of the two thousand ten rigs that make up the limited collection, one of the seven platinum rings will be a gift for FIFA President, Joseph Blatter, and one of the thirty three white gold rings will be reserved for the best player of tournament.

Storie: The limit of your scary

The limit of your scary

Once upon a time, three boys lived in Kentuky. There they wasted timed having fun in any place they could.

On November first, Christian, Peter and Lucas were telling ghost stories front of a campfire, when suddenly they heard a loud noise wow...wow...wow. It was shocking noise.

Christian said "What was that?" " I don't like this place" exclaimed Lucas

Then Peter said run Lucas, run Christian!

"I want to go home" exclaimed Christian

All running quickly, but they stop them. They saw something terrific... a creature

The creature smiled at them while they were running in fear.

Requesting a favor

Hello Mary

I'm doing a work with my frieds in the University and I can't buy a gift for my mother. Could you mind doing me a small favor? Could you to buy a gift in the center and afterwards, send him to my mother. I believed to arrive late to the home.

You know how much that I appreciate you cooperation.

Thank you for you consideration...


Víctor Estrada

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Broiler production: breeding and management

Broiler meat is an important source of high quality proteins, minerals and vitamins to balance the human diet.

Specially developed breeds of chicken meat (broiler) are now available with the ability of quick growth and high feed conversion efficiency.

Depending on the farm size, broiler farming can be a main source of family income or can provide subsidiary income and gainful employment to farmers throughout the year. Poultry manure has high fertilizer value and can be used for increasing yield of all crops.

Work in and around the broiler house can be divided into four operations:

a) House preparation. House preparation includes cleaning and disinfecting the building and equipment.

b) Starting chicks. Starting chicks covers the placement and care of baby chicks for the first 10 days.

c) Growing. Growing covers the everyday chores for raising the chicks from 10 days to marketing.
d) Miscellaneous chores. Miscellaneous chores include medicating, vaccinating, repairing equipment, mowing grass, removing caked litter, and picking up mortality.


1. Reduced management responsibilities.
2. Less risk for production and less risk for loss of income.
3. Less operating capital necessary.
4. Opportunity to participate in poultry production.
5. Opportunity to obtain additional income from the farm.
6. Improving household income
7. Leverages other products generated from the production (feathers, guts, feces and blood) as fertilizer or food supplement
8. Less costs of production (food, building and management)
9. Broiler meat is cheaper that other meats
10. Its fast growing and the sale is immediate


1. Possibility of limited opportunity for growth. New building and expansion are dictated by integrators' plans.
2. High fixed investment. Broiler houses with modern equipment
3. Possible lack bargaining power.


1. The initial investment is a little lower than other activities (management cows, pigs, goats and sheeps).
2. Rearing period is only six to seven weeks to difference other species such as cows or pigs (one year or more).
3. Broilers have high feed conversion efficiency than the sheeps or the cows ( i.e. least amount of feed is required for unit body weight gain in comparison to other livestock).
4. Faster return from the investment than in another species.
5. The broiler meat is more demanded than others meats for its price and quality than other meats
6. The broilers require less space (in the same shed) than the cows and sheeps.
7. The cycle of broilers is short than in others species

What does need a poultry farm?

  • Poultry housing
  • Poultry equipment
  • Feeding
  • Water
  • Chicks

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Animal Science: A productive degree

¿What is Animal Science?

Animal husbandry is the science of taking care of domestic animals that are used primarily as food or product sources.
Is the science of breeding, feeding and care of domestic animals, includes housing and nutrition

The branch of science, which deals with the study of various breeds of domesticated animals and their management for obtaining better products and services fromthem is termed animal husbandry (the term husbandry comes from ‘husband’ which means one who takes care).

Animals that produce different products

  • Milk giving (milch) animals: Cows, buffaloes and goats who give us milk.
  • Meat and egg giving animals: Pigs, cattle, goat, sheep, fowls and duckswhich are the main source of meat. From hens and ducks we get eggs.
  • Working (draught) animals: Bullocks, buffaloes, camels and horses aredraught animals used for doing work in the field and for transportation ofgoods and human beings.

Mules are also used especially by the army to takethings from one place to another in the hilly areas.

We also get horns, feathers and leather from some of these animals which canbe used for making various things. Their urine and droppings help to make thesoil fertile by acting as manure.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Provides food to the population
  • Study domestic animals (dogs, cats, cows, pigs, poultry, sheeps, goats, rabbits and horses)
  • Produces drug
  • Stablish relationship with another sciences such as: animal phisiology, reproduction, nutrition, genetic and health

  • Produce products such as: milk, eggs, fish, honey, blood, dressed (wool)

  • Source raw materia
  • Generate animals with productive and reproductive potential using techniques such: Artificial Insemination, Invitro fertilization, embryo transfer, selection, system crosses, mating, use of productive and reproductive records

  • Studied physiological phenomena in the animals

  • Stablish relationship to agricultural to feed animals

  • Optimizes the use os sources: water and soil

  • Satisfy needs basic nutritional

  • Integrates to the family into community work


  • Employee needs personal experience
  • Using technology and techniques
  • Woker must have Knowledge about the general management of animal
  • Required infrastructure

Profile for finding a partner ¿is there one?

Three examples and mine


Name: Amanda

Surname: Lores Pedrera

Age: 45 years old

Address: Gutiérrez paz Nº 21

City: Carthage

Province: Cartago

Country: Costa Rica

Email: JFlorabbanti @ gmail.com

Description: I'm an attractive woman 167 cm, slim, I love nature, animals, enjoy emotional stability, I'm quiet, honest, orderly and intelligent. Looking for a man of good feelings, with characteristics similar to mine and likes to share his time.


Name: Jesus Emilio

Surname: Hernandez Andrade

Age: 36 years

Address: Payo Obispo

City: Chetumal

CP: 77 083

State: Quintana Roo

Country: mexico

Description: I am a good person, I want a serious relationship no matter the physical that is good, comprehensive. Looking a boyfriend that undertand me and have relationship serious.


Name: Hilda

Surname: Caravez

Age: 32

Address: Vicente Guerrero Nº 4

City: Aguascalientes

CP: 20000

Province: Aguascalientes

Country: Mexico

Description: I'm light brown, mido 1.64 cm, light brown eyes, slim, black hair, straight. Looking a interesting couple.


Name: Víctor Alfonso

Surnames: Estrada Guzmán

Birthday: August 05

Age: 24

Address: Coahuila Nº 32

City: México

State: Oaxaca

City hall: Loma Bonita, Oaxaca

CP: 68400

Description: Single, 1.77 m, 81kg, officer, sociable, hardworking, respectful, communicative, clean, formal, humorous, transparent, good looking, educated, faithful. I have fair skin (not too much because I'm Latino) hair and brown eyes, small eyes, nose and mouth middle, I'm short 1.52 m (which personally I think it was one of my biggest obstacles to get intimate, but frankly I am comfortable with myself), I consider myself loyal, honest, good friend, I like action movies and science fiction, visiting tourist, partying, going out to have fun with my friends.

Goals: I would like to find a girl without charges, available to come to live in Loma Bonita, Oaxaca. Looking for a girl to understand, cheerful, sincere, funny, who cares about herself but also for others, you have pretty eyes and nice smile, ha ha., Who cares about the physical but not most importantly, to be tolerant because we are human and sometimes we're wrong, you have desire to succeed.

My purpose is to create a family, a love nest, based on these values are lost. Hoping to live your dreams and share mine. Inside your heart is the answer of what I'm looking for.

Do not hesitate to contact me.

Some famous phrases


It turns me off when do I see children thin in Africa, I can’t help cry. I would like to be that skinny.
Mariah Carey…
It bothers me when a gay couple adopting children. I’d rather hunger.
Paquita la del barrio…

I love it when a gay couple should to carried out between a woman and a man
Arnold Schzenneger...


What qualities do I look in a friend?
  • You agree that you are
  • Grows on you
  • Admire all parts of your person (including the unfinished parts)
  • Do not give up with you
  • Forgive your mistakes
  • Delivered unconditionally
  • It helps
  • Invite you retry
  • You down to reality
  • It tells the truth when you need to listen

    What qualities do I look in a partner?
    • Honest
  • Good Sense of Humor
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Passionate
  • Fail
  • Tender
  • Friendly
  • Admirer
  • Opennes
  • Playful
  • Committed
  • Sincere

  • What qualities do I look in a teacher?

    • Patient
    • Flexible

    • Attention span and perception

    • Good memory
    • Motivated by humanitarian work

    • Intuition to understand people

    • Dedication to their student
    • Analysis capability

    • Creative