A young man walked into an old home, when suddenly Javier heard a strange noise.

Hi classmates, This is my first class with the teacher erick
The best players of the World Cup will receive a prize ring
On November first, Christian, Peter and Lucas were telling ghost stories front of a campfire, when suddenly they heard a loud noise wow...wow...wow. It was shocking noise.
Christian said "What was that?" " I don't like this place" exclaimed Lucas
Then Peter said run Lucas, run Christian!
"I want to go home" exclaimed Christian
All running quickly, but they stop them. They saw something terrific... a creature
The creature smiled at them while they were running in fear.
The branch of science, which deals with the study of various breeds of domesticated animals and their management for obtaining better products and services fromthem is termed animal husbandry (the term husbandry comes from ‘husband’ which means one who takes care).
Animals that produce different products
Mules are also used especially by the army to takethings from one place to another in the hilly areas.
We also get horns, feathers and leather from some of these animals which canbe used for making various things. Their urine and droppings help to make thesoil fertile by acting as manure.